Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Teaching English Overseas

Dear English speaking people, you do not have to settle for a minimum wage job in your home country.  By virtue of the fact that you speak English, you automatically have an invaluable job skill.  English instructors are in demand the world over.  You do not need to know math, you do not need a high school diploma or a college education, you do not need experience, all that is required is that you speak, read and write English at, oh, probably an 8th grade level, maybe even lower.  I guarantee that you can get a job.  My travel companion Arin was able to obtain a job with only these qualifications.  Well, he did graduate from high school and happens to have excellent writing skills, but sometimes he talks too fast and is difficult to understand....

I happen to have a teaching credential which makes it easier to find work.  Some countries, in order to qualify for a work visa, one must be considered a foreign expert.  If you want to work in one of these countries, you can become an 'expert' by obtaining a TEFL certification.  This acronym stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.  I do not know how this certification became so popular with governments, but they all seem to accept it even though it is an unregulated.  Virtually anybody can create a TEFL course and issue the certificate.  Arin is currently working on his TEFL because he wants to teach in China.  TEFL classes are offered everywhere.  If you do not feel confident about teaching, my suggestion is that you take an instructor lead class where you can gain actual teaching experience, however, there are also on line classes which require approximately an 8th grade education to pass.  These classes vary in price.  Arin found a deal on Groupon for $39. 

An easy place for Americans to find employment is Mexico.  Mexico is the country where Arin and I began our traveling teaching careers.  You can read my Oaxaca, Mexico blog to see the steps we took to find work, housing and a social life in that great city.

Finding a job:  The best place to find employer requests is a website called DavesESLcafe.com.  You can also look on craigslist.com. The employer requests vary.  Some employers will only accept teachers from England, some only from America.  Some employers only want young people, some only want those with experience.

After 6 months teaching in Mexico, we are ready for a new adventure.  You are welcome to join us..
FOOTNOTE:  Much of the following will be backdated as it has already happened.

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